
My name is Rayon Lennon. I'm an award-winning poet and clinical therapist. I am also a Barrel Child. I was born in Chapelton, Jamaica. I grew up in Trout Hall, Jamaica. When I was 13, I moved to New Haven County, Connecticut to live with my father who had emigrated to the United States of America when I was born. I hold a B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing from Southern Connecticut State University and I currently work as a Clinical Therapist. My poetry and fiction--detailing my journey as a Barrel Child--have appeared in Main Street Rag, Stepaway Magazine, The African American Review, The Connecticut River Review, Noctua Review, The Connecticut Review, Rattle and Callaloo. My poems have won numerous poetry contests. My first book of poems, Barrel Children (a finalist for the Connecticut Book Award for best poetry book), is currently available from The Main Street Rag Publishing Company.